Monday, February 28, 2011

So VERY True!

A unionized public employee, a member of the Tea Party, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table there is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partuer and says,"watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Are We Ever Going to Change Our Ways?

The climate is warming
Diseases are swarming.
Disasters are striking,
and famine is spiking.

We bicker and find blame
we ignore and proclaim
that God will save us,
despite that we are careless.

Evidence is clear.
Natural disasters are severe.
Human beings just don't care,
about the future in despair.

Drill baby drill is dirtying our air,
and our water, we are aware!
It's a carbon extermination,
that will lead to our extinction!

Burning coal leads to cancer.
Is that our energy answer?
Landfills full of waste,
thrown away in thoughtless haste.

Will we awake?
Do we care what's at stake?
It's an unnatural disgrace,
what we've done to our place.

Politicians START leading!
Preachers START heeding,
the warnings and the words.'s absurd!!

Our future should be our profit,
not the dollars in our pocket.
Greed and wealth will be our demise,
and in the end there will be no compromise.

The climate is warming,
diseases are swarming.
Disasters are striking,
and famine is spiking.

Are we ever going to change our ways?

--written by Lindsey Murff

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Corporations Get Hand-Outs, Not the American People!

I am just tired of hearing from the right-wingers talk about how the government gives "hand-outs"! It's as if the "hand-outs" were undeserved. I'm sorry, but we the people employ the government. They are employed by our tax dollars! Who should they be working for? If anybody should be getting a "hand-out", or benefiting in any way, it should be the citizens of the United States and not big corporations....who by the way get the hand-outs! In 2010 the United States gave 2.7 billion dollars to Israel to buy American military equipment and 1.3 billion to Egypt for the same! This money went to the American military complex (Boeing, Lockheed Martin, McDonald Douglas, and others). If this isn't the biggest government hand-out, I don't know what is! (and this is just a small example of big corporation hand outs) In addition these same corporations find loop hole after loop hole, and are able to pay nothing, or next to nothing, in taxes! And, they also get to be bailed out in case they make the bad decisions while the people get shoved to the side. I live in Texas, and right now the state wants to cut about 10 billion from education, which is 1/3 of the educational budget. They want to cut from prisons, close some colleges, and much much more. All the while holding our tax dollars hostage in a rainy day fund of more than 9.8 billion! I'm sure the big oil companies, and other multi-million/billion dollar corporations are not suffering or sacrificing in any way. Oh no, just us, the tax paying government employers. We are the ones getting the short end of the stick!

So, I don't want to hear any more belly aching about how health care is a hand-out, or how our children's education is a hand-out, or how social security is a hand-out, or about food stamps being a hand out. Our government should be working for its people seeing as how we have paid for it! They are not hand outs. If anything it would be a simple case of our tax dollars at work....if ever the government would stop spending our money on themselves, their friends, and their friend's the big corporations.